America Is United
On Increasing Natural Gas

According to a recent nationwide poll of 1,000 registered voters about the future of energy:

Voters overwhelmingly support natural gas as a part of a clean energy future.

of voters

including majorities across party lines,
support increasing natural gas production.

Increasing numbers of Americans
want a steady clean energy transition

76% of voters, including 80% of Democrats, want a steady clean energy transition using all resources, including natural gas, to keep energy affordable and reliable.

Only slightly behind renewables, such as solar (84%) and wind energy (78%), natural gas is the top energy source voters want to see used more, with 67% in favor of increased usage.

Voters across the political spectrum are united in wanting to use all resources in the clean energy transition.

Voter sentiment on energy transition

Switch as quickly as possible using only renewables

Make a steady transition to cleaner energy using all available options

Don't switch at all to cleaner energy

These are the leading energy policy goals among American voters:

Strengthen u.s. energy independence


of voters believe that strengthening U.S. energy independence is vital for energy policy.

Supporting our allies


of Democrats believe it’s important to support allies by providing reliable energy exports of natural gas.

reducing energy costs


of moderate Democrats view reducing energy costs as a top priority.


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